Agnipath scheme: Review TWO YEARS post implementation

Commander Sudarshan Chakrapani “ChaxSimplifies” seeks to present complex present day issues into simple, easy to understand episodes. ChaxSimplifies interviews Lt Gen GL Bakshi (Retd), DG Infantry to review the scheme and the way forward.
Agnipath scheme was introduced on 22 Jun 2022. It’s perhaps, the most misunderstood scheme introduced by the Government of India in the recent past and led to widespread riots, arson and extreme reactions from all quarters. It divided, surprisingly even the Retired Officer community who, possibly jumped to conclusions without examining the merits. During my various SSB mock interviews and classes I conduct for Defence Aspirants, I have constantly been questioned on the most misunderstood scheme with numerous misconceptions. I had addressed many of the concerns with my first video on the subject about 7 months back. (Link: • Agnipath scheme: ‘What this Kolavari’… ) In this video, I interview Lt Gen GL Bakshi (Retd), DG Infantry to review the scheme, about 2 years post implementation and the Armed Forces having had some time to see for themselves how the scheme is performing and if it has met its objectives. We also discuss some future tweaks that may happen as we go along, esp. for the Agniveers in the Technical Arms and services.