Disaster recovery plans minimise disruption to key elements identified in the business

by Tony Ridley, MSc CSyP FSyI
“Disaster recovery plans minimise disruption to key elements identified in the business impact analysis and the risk assessment and lay the foundation for developing plans and strategies, mitigate risks posed by hazard events and increase the likelihood of being able to respond effectively should disaster strike”
“…size and type of business were a significant predictor of business preparedness”
…given the generally low prevailing levels of voluntary preparedness, incentives and regulations are required to encourage business preparedness” (p.80)
Post 9/11 terror attacks, “…90 per cent of medium/large companies that can’t resume near-normal operations within five days of an emergency face substantially increased risk of going out of business within five years” (p.79)
– Paton, D. & McClure, J. (2017). Business Continuity in Disaster Contexts, in Paton, D. & Johnston, D. (eds) Disaster Resilience: An integrated approach, 2nd ed, Charles C Thomas Publisher