MRO Channel Forum. Strategic Impact of Technology.Listen to the expert views of Lt Gen Dr Anil Kapoor AVSM, VSM (Retired) and Maj Gen (Dr) Ashok Kumar, VSM (Retd).MRO Channel Forum. Strategic Impact of Technology.

Legacy Equipment: Listen to our expert panelists, Lt Gen (Dr) Narendra Singh PVSM, AVSM, VSM, ADC, (Retired), Lt Gen Dr Anil Kapoor AVSM, VSM (Retired)
and Brig Vijay Yadlapalli Venkata Ramana (Retd) to get the answers to the following questions:
Q1 Indian mil has a unique medley of vintage platforms of West and East European origin. War in Ukraine has exposed many vulnerabilities of these. Do you think it would be prudent to modernise these or go in for replacements?
Q2 What do you think is a good way forward to fix legacy equipment for contemporary and futuristic deployments?
Q3 How can unmanned systems complement legacy defence warlike systems and enhance their lethality?
Q4 Can you give out a proposed methodology so that in future we do not end up in such a situation where a large portion of the fleet is legacy. How can one assess as to when and how a complex system is to be modernized?
Q5 What is the technology landscape to manage the legacy equipment?
Q6 how can 3D scanners and 3D printers be used to enhance the life of legacy defence equipment?
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