Collaboration, intelligence sharing, strengthening of porous borders, disrupting supply chains, community engagements and overall awareness are some of the key factors to shield against growing Narco Terrorism.

Narco Terrorism is of a grave concern globally. When drugs and terror intertwine, this clandestine network thrives, giving fillip to violence & destabilizing the social fabric of the society.
India is badly affected due to large scale illicit induction of Narcotics via the Golden Crescent & Golden Triangle. Opium, heroin and synthetic drugs flow across the porous borders of India undermining the security of the country. Extremism and Narcotics form a toxic blend which explodes every now and then. This is a matter of grave concern.
Law enforcement agencies have to battle to contain Narco Terrorism. However, the challenge continues to persist. Corruption and organized gangs of criminals add to the problem, rendering the fight against this menace and arduous affair.
Collaboration, intelligence sharing, strengthening of porous borders, disrupting supply chains, community engagements and overall awareness are some of the key factors to shield against growing Narco Terrorism.
Our speakers in this Podcast discuss and provide deep insight on the problem of Narco Terrorism.
Join us to understand the dynamics of this intricate and dangerous problem.