First Round Table convened to discuss National Citizens Security Culture

First Round Table convened to discuss National Citizens Security Culture received tremendous support for 58 eminent personalities who deliberated during day long meeting held at Constitution Club of India. They all agreed on the following;
Develop methodologies and processes for promoting national Citizens security culture.

2. Create public awareness events to educate citizens about security threats and the importance of personal and national security.
3. Establish government engagement strategies to facilitate collaboration between authorities, citizens, and relevant stakeholders.
4. Emphasize the role of universities in fostering a culture of security through research, education, and community engagement.
5. Facilitate the active involvement of civil society organizations in promoting citizen participation and empowerment in national security efforts.
We shall be forming expert groups to discuss methodologies to achieve objectives of the national movement. The report of the Round Table will be shared on social media for larger participation of Citizens of India.
Kunwar Vikram Singh