
Mindmap that will help you learn the art of writing perfect #ChatGPT prompts

by Dr. Marcell Vollme.

Mindmap that will help you learn the art of writing perfect #ChatGPT prompts:

👉 Clarifying Objectives – Start with clear intent, whether it’s for learning or laughing.

👉 Prompt Structure – Choose the right question type to steer the conversation.

👉 Tonal Consistency – Keep the tone aligned; sarcasm and authority don’t mix.

👉 Context and Detailing – Without context, your prompts may lead to vague answers.

👉 Interactive Dialogue – Dialogues fall flat without the right level of engagement.

👉 Response Assessment – Even ChatGPT’s responses need a critical eye.

👉 Iterative Refinement – A great prompt often needs several tweaks.

👉 Advanced Prompt Engineering – Stick to basics, or risk losing clarity in complexity.

👉 Ethical and Responsible Prompting – Neglecting ethics in prompts can lead to unintended outcomes

Source 🙏 Denis Panjuta

Mindmap that will help you learn the art of writing perfect #ChatGPT prompts

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